Update Your Product Catalog to Offer Products That Are Eligible for Buy with Prime


Buy with Prime API is now available for early access

Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.

After you install and configure the Buy with Prime cartridge, the next step is to update your catalog to identify which of your products you want to make eligible for Buy with Prime. By default, your storefront doesn't include products that are eligible for Buy with Prime. After you update your catalog, you run a catalog feed job to submit the catalog information to Amazon.

For details about installing the cartridge, see Install the Buy With Prime Cartridge.

Understand intended versus buyable with Buy with Prime

The custom attributesisPrimeIntended and isPrimeBuyable help determine whether a shopper can purchase a product using their Prime benefits on your storefront.

The isPrimeIntended custom attribute determines which of your products you want to make eligible for Buy with Prime. To offer a product as eligible for Buy with Prime, set the isPrimeIntended custom attribute by doing one of the following:

  • In the Business Manager tool for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, set isPrimeIntended to true for the product.
  • Have your product information management (PIM) system set isPrimeIntended to true for the product and synchronize the data with Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

In contrast, the isPrimeBuyable custom attribute determines whether the shopper gets the Buy with Prime storefront functionality for a product, for example whether the shopper sees the Prime checkmark logo on the product tile and the Prime delivery estimate. For a shopper to be able to purchase a product on your storefront using their Prime benefits, the IsPrimeBuyable custom attribute for the product must be true.

Amazon uses algorithms based on inventory availability to evaluate whether a product that you offer is eligible for Buy with Prime, and notifies you via events. You can use the following to consume the events:

  • Buy with Prime middleware connected to AWS EventBridge
  • Webhooks.

Prerequisites for configuring your products

Before starting to configure your products, verify the location and format of your product images. The cartridge assumes that you're using Salesforce Commerce Cloud to host the images, and that each image is a .png or .jpg file stored as a medium size image in Salesforce Commerce Cloud. If you instead use an edge network to host images, you must manually reconfigure the cartridge to point to the edge network.

You'll also need to set up amazon-mcf-inventory for your products and initialize the value for development, because the value won't update automatically until after you configure your event logic.

Configure your products

Set the custom attributes for each of the products that you want to make eligible for Buy with Prime on your storefront. You can set the values in your PIM system or in the Business Manager tool. The following shows how to use Business Manager to set the values.

  1. In the Business Manager tool for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, on the Merchant Tools menu, click Products & Catalogs, and then click Products.

  2. Search for and then click the product that you want to make eligible for Buy with Prime.

  3. Under Amazon Buy with Prime, for Is Prime Intended? chose Yes, which sets the isPrimeIntended custom attribute to true.

  4. In the Amazon SKU box, enter a value that matches the Amazon marketplace SKU as shown in Seller Central for the product. The Amazon marketplace SKU differs from the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). Don't enter the ASIN.

  5. If testing in your sandbox environment, even when using an event middleware layer or webhooks to set the isPrimeBuyable custom attribute, for Is Prime Buyable? choose Yes, which which sets isPrimeBuyable to true.
    Editing the IsPrimeBuyable field directly helps support testing in your sandbox environment. In production, avoid editing IsPrimeBuyable directly, and instead configure your Buy with Prime middleware or webhooks to update your site in response to events that show whether the product is eligible for Buy with Prime.

  6. Click Apply.

Start the catalog feed job

After updating the custom attributes for each of the products that you want to make eligible for Buy with Prime on your storefront, do the following to start uploading your catalog information to Amazon.

  1. In the Business Manager tool for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, on the Administration menu, click Operations, and then click Jobs.

  2. Click the AmazonCatalogFeed job.

  3. On the Job Steps tab, above ExportProductCSV, verify that Scope shows the name of your site. If you don't see the name of your site, next to Scope, click the scope value, select the check box next to the name of your site, and then click Assign.

  4. Optionally, click ExportProductCSV, and then review the following parameters:

    • ImageSize, which is set to medium. The cartridge assumes that each image is a .png or .jpg file stored as a medium size image in Salesforce Commerce Cloud. If you want to use a different image size, changing this value isn't sufficient, and you must manually reconfigure the cartridge.
    • IncludeAllProducts, which isn't selected by default. You can either include only the products for which isPrimeIntended is true in the catalog feed .csv file, which is the default behavior, or you can export your entire catalog. Select this check box to include all products from your catalog in the export, regardless of whether you want to make the products eligible for Buy with Prime, and then click Assign.
    • OverwriteExistingProducts, which is selected by default. Clear this check box to avoid overwriting products that already exist in the catalog exported to Amazon, and then click Assign.
  5. Click Run Now, which generates and uploads the .csv file and starts processing the file.

Get the catalog feed status

A catalog feed job can take a few minutes to process. After starting the catalog feed job, wait at least one or two minutes, then do the following to get the job status.

The first time you run a catalog feed job, make sure to follow these procedures to confirm that the catalog feed is working. After you've confirmed that the catalog feed is successful, for subsequent catalog feed jobs, the following procedures are optional.

  1. In the Business Manager tool for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, on the Administration menu, click Operations, and then click Jobs.

  2. Click the AmazonCatalogFeedStatus job.

  3. On the Job Steps tab, above CatalogFeedStatus, verify that Scope shows the name of your site. If you don't see the name of your site, next to Scope, click the scope value, select the check box next to the name of your site, and then click Assign.

  4. Click Run Now, which retrieves the job status and stores the status in a custom object.

After getting the job status, do the following to read the status and see whether the catalog feed job is complete.

  1. In the Business Manager tool for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, on the Merchant Tools menu, click Custom Objects, then click Custom Object Editor.
  2. In the Object Type box, select amazonCatalogFeedStatus, then click Find.
  3. Click the ID of the object that has the most recent Last Modified value.

If the status shows COMPLETED, the import for the catalog feed job has finished processing. The Report URL field shows the location of the file that contains the product-level details of the catalog import. If the status doesn't show COMPLETED, you'll need to wait, and then get the catalog feed status again.

Review the catalog information for each of your products and then resolve issues

After you've verified that the catalog feed job is complete, do the following to review the details for each of your products. As an alternative to the following procedure, if you're familiar with the Import/Export (IMPEX) WebDAV folders for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, you can view the report there instead.

  1. In the Business Manager tool for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, on the Administration menu, click Site Development, and then click Development Setup.
  2. Scroll down, and then next to Import/Export, click the folder icon.
  3. Navigate to the file location that was provided in the report URL. Typically, the file is in the src/buywithprime/catalogstatus folder.
  4. Download and view the file to see which products succeeded or failed to import, and why.

If there is an issue with one or more of your products, address the issue with each product, and then run the catalog feed job again. For details, see Troubleshoot Catalog Errors.

Set up the block list for your products

A block list identifies the products configured in Salesforce Commerce Cloud that aren't actually eligible for Buy with Prime. The block list is a fallback mechanism for when a product has isPrimeBuyable as true while the product isn't eligible for Buy with Prime.

This situation can occur for various reasons, for example when a shopper purchases the last available unit and the event that changes isPrimeBuyable to false hasn't occurred yet. If the block list is enabled, the product automatically goes on the block list during the shopper session, helping to ensure that the product doesn't get the Buy with Prime storefront functionality.

Do the following to set up the block list:

  1. In the Business Manager tool for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, on the Administration menu, click Site Development, and then click System Object Types.

  2. In the list, click SitePreferences.

  3. Click the Attribute Grouping tab.

  4. Next to the Buy with Prime group, click Edit.

  5. In the ID box, enter BWP_Blocklist_Enabled and then click Add to add the attribute.

  6. On the Merchant Tools menu, click Site Preferences, and then click Custom Preferences.

  7. Click Buy_With_Prime.

  8. Next to BWP_Blocklist_Enabled, choose Yes.

Related topics

Install the Buy With Prime Cartridge