Integrate the Buy with Prime Cartridge into your Storefront


Buy with Prime API is now available for early access

Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.

This topic describes how to integrate the Buy with Prime cartridge into a site based on the Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA) structure, and provides a list of affected controllers, models, scripts, and templates.

To combine the Buy with Prime functionality with your storefront, you can start with the int_buywithprime_sfra cartridge for Buy with Prime, which overrides SFRA functionality, and reapply your existing customizations. Alternatively, you can omit the int_buywithprime_sfra cartridge and selectively copy relevant code for Buy with Prime from int_buywithprime_sfra into your own custom cartridge.

For details about installing the Buy with Prime cartridge, see Install the Buy With Prime Cartridge.

Custom code overrides

This topic shows code overridden by the int_buywithprime_sfra cartridge for Buy with Prime, which can overwrite customizations that you made to the same controllers, models, scripts, and templates in other cartridges.

If you've heavily customized your storefront, consider selectively copying relevant code from this topic into your storefront cartridge instead of using int_buywithprime_sfra as a starting point.


The int_buywithprime_sfra cartridge overrides the following controller routes with server.replace, which overrides any existing logic for the same routes, including server.append and server.prepend, in cartridges to the right of int_buywithprime_sfra in the cartridge path.

  • Cart-UpdateQuantity
  • CheckoutServices-PlaceOrder

For the controller route, add the custom logic that you want to preserve to a cartridge that has priority by being to the left of int_buywithprime_sfra in the cartridge path.


The int_buywithprime_sfra cartridge doesn't override any models. Each model properly inherits functionality from its respective base superModule model.


The int_buywithprime_sfra cartridge overrides the following script helper functions. In a cartridge that has priority by being to the left in the cartridge path, update the helper functions to combine the Buy with Prime logic with any of your own custom logic that you want to preserve. You can combine the logic either in the int_buywithprime_sfra cartridge if you use the cartridge, or in your own custom cartridge if you don't use int_buywithprime_sfra.

PathHelper functionRequired logic
cart/cartHelpers.jsaddProductToCartAccount for Buy with Prime inventory as well as standard inventory.
checkout/checkoutHelpers.jsplaceOrderClear the Buy with Prime session data and add the hook and error handling after order placement.
checkout/shippingHelpers.jsgetApplicableShippingMethodsAccount for custom logic in the Buy with Prime shipping method.
helpers/basketValidationHelpers.jsvalidateProductsAccount for Buy with Prime inventory as well as standard inventory.
renderTemplateHelper.jsgetRenderedHtmlExtend the base superModule to add Buy with Prime attributes to the templateContext.


In addProductToCart, account for Buy with Prime inventory as well as standard inventory.

Code Code for addProductToCart
Code (continued) Code for addProductToCart continued


In placeOrder, clear the Buy with Prime session data and add the hook and error handling after order placement.

Code Code for placeOrder


In getApplicableShippingMethods, account for custom logic in the Buy with Prime shipping method.

Code Code for getApplicableShippingMethods
Code (continued) Code for getApplicableShippingMethods continued


In validateProducts, account for Buy with Prime inventory as well as standard inventory.

Code Code for validateProducts


In getRenderedHtml, extend the base superModule to add Buy with Prime attributes to the templateContext.

Code Code for getRenderedHtml


The int_buywithprime_sfra cartridge overrides the following templates. If you heavily customized a template from the version in app_storefront_base, consider copying the relevant custom code for Buy with Prime into your storefront template override.

TemplateRequired logic
cart/productCard/cartProductCardEdit.ismlWrap a conditional statement to only show an Edit link next to a line item if the line item is for a variation product.
cart/productCard/cartProductCardProductPrice.ismlAdd two containers for Buy with Prime to each product line item.
cart/cartApproachingDiscount.ismlAdd messaging for the shipping discount.
cart/cartShippingMethodSelection.ismlWrap a conditional statement to only show the shipping method selection for baskets not offered through Buy with Prime.
cart/checkoutButtons.ismlOverride both the app_storefront_base and Amazon Pay versions, add the Buy with Prime button, and edit the markup for the standard checkout button.
checkout/billing/paymentOptions/creditCardSummary.ismlWrap a conditional statement to only display the expiration date if both expirationMonth and expirationYear exist.
checkout/billing/paymentOptions/paymentOptionsSummary.ismlOverride both the app_storefront_base and Amazon Pay versions, and add displays for both the Adyen and Amazon Pay payment methods.
checkout/cart/miniCart.ismlOverride both the app_storefront_base and Amazon Pay versions to override the change from the Amazon Pay cartridge that includes miniCartButtons instead of checkoutButtons.
checkout/confirmation/confirmationDetails.ismlKeep this template identical to app_storefront_base.
checkout/customer/customerCard.ismlAdd a Buy with Prime sign-in widget to the checkout login.
checkout/customer/customerSummary.ismlAdd a conditional statement if the checkout is a Buy with Prime checkout to use the email address from the order.
checkout/productCard/productCard.ismlAdd attributes to the .product-line-item div, and add the Prime checkmark logo and Prime Day deal promotions.
checkout/productCard/productCardSummary.ismlAdd this new file, which doesn't exist in app_storefront_base.
checkout/shipping/shipmentCard.ismlAdd a sign-in card for Buy with Prime.
checkout/shipping/shippingCard.ismlSuppress the display for Buy with Prime or multi-channel fulfillment orders, add the selected-shipping-method-X attribute to the .leading-lines div, and edit the display to allow for strikethrough shipping pricing.
checkout/shipping/shippingSummary.ismlEdit the shipping summary display.
checkout/checkout.ismlOverride both the app_storefront_base and Amazon Pay versions.
checkout/orderProductSummary.ismlEdit the product summary display.
common/layout/checkout.ismlOverride both the app_storefront_base and Amazon Pay versions.
product/components/addToCartButtonExtension.ismlAdd the Buy with Prime button to the cart. The app_storefront_base version of this template is empty.
product/components/productAvailability.ismlAdd bwpCard above product availability.
product/gridTile.ismlAdd the productTile.js asset to the page, and add amzn-sku to the .product div.
product/productTileFooter.ismlAdd the Prime checkmark logo to the bottom of the product tile.
product/quickView.ismlAdd attributes to .product-quickview, and add bwpCard below product availability.
search/refinements/attributes/boolean.ismlAdd the ability to use the Prime checkmark logo next to the refinement check box instead of text.


Wrap a conditional statement to only show an Edit link next to a line item if the line item is for a variation product.

Code Code for cartProductCardEdit


Add two containers for Buy with Prime to each product line item.

Code Code for cartProductCardProductPrice


Add messaging for the shipping discount.

Code Code for cartApproachingDiscount


Wrap a conditional statement to only show the shipping method selection for baskets not offered through Buy with Prime.

Code Code for cartShippingMethodSelection


Override both the app_storefront_base and Amazon Pay versions, add the Buy with Prime button, and edit the markup for the standard checkout button.

Code Code for checkoutButtons


Wrap a conditional statement to only display the expiration date if both expirationMonth and expirationYear exist.

Code Code for creditCardSummary


Override both the app_storefront_base and Amazon Pay versions, and add displays for both the Adyen and Amazon Pay payment methods.

Code Code for paymentOptionsSummary


Override this template to include cart/checkoutButtons.isml, like in app_storefront_base. Don't include cart/miniCartButtons, like in int_amazonpay_sfra.


Keep this template similar to the template in app_storefront_base, relying on the includes checkout/shipping/shippingSummary.isml and checkout/orderProductSummary.isml.


Add a Buy with Prime sign-in widget to the checkout login.

Code Code for customerCard


Add a conditional statement if the checkout is a Buy with Prime checkout to use the email address from the order.

Code Code for customerSummary


Add attributes to the .product-line-item div.

Code Code for productCard

Add the Prime checkmark logo and Prime Day deal promotions.

Code Code for productCard continued


Add this new file from int_buywithprime_sfra. The file doesn't exist in app_storefront_base.


Add a sign-in card for Buy with Prime.

Code Code for shipmentCard


Suppress the display for Buy with Prime or multi-channel fulfillment orders, add the selected-shipping-method-X attribute to the .leading-lines div, and edit the display to allow for strikethrough shipping pricing.

Code Code for shippingCard


Edit the shipping summary display.

Code Code for shippingSummary


Override both the app_storefront_base and Amazon Pay versions.

Code Code for checkout
Code (continued) Code for checkout continued
Code (continued, again) Code for checkout continued, again


Edit the product summary display.

Code Code for orderProductSummary


Override both the app_storefront_base and Amazon Pay versions.

Code Code for checkout


Add the Buy with Prime button to the cart. The app_storefront_base version of this template is empty.

Code Code for addToCartButtonExtension


Add bwpCard above product availability.

Code Code for productAvailability


Add the productTile.js asset to the page, and add amzn-sku to the .product div.

Code Code for gridTile


Add the Prime checkmark logo to the bottom of the product tile.

Code Code for productTileFooter


Add attributes to .product-quickview.

Code Code for quickView

Add bwpCard below product availability.

Code Code for quickView continued


Add the ability to use the Prime checkmark logo next to the refinement check box instead of text.

Code Code for boolean

Related topics

Install the Buy With Prime Cartridge