Create and Cancel Privacy Requests


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This topic contains examples of how to create and cancel privacy requests with Buy with Prime.

For details about privacy requests, see Retrieve and Delete Customer Data. For steps to process privacy requests, see Steps to Process Privacy Requests.

Create a data retrieval request

To create a data retrieval request, you use the startPersonalDataRetrievalTask mutation. In the request, you must provide the customer's email address.

You can optionally provide a clientToken to serve as an idempotency key that ensures that multiple identical requests are only processed once with an eight-hour period. This is particularly useful in scenarios where network issues might cause you to need to retry a request. If you don’t provide a clientToken, a default clientToken is generated for each request.

Data retrieval tasks run immediately after they have been initiated and can't be cancelled.

The response to the data retrieval request contains a taskId, which you can provide to the personalDataRetrievalTask query if the customer later asks for an update on their data retrieval request before you receive a data retrieval event.

The following example shows how to submit a data retrieval request.

// GraphQL mutation
mutation {
    startPersonalDataRetrievalTask(input: {
        dataSubject: {
            type: SHOPPER
            email: "[email protected]"
    }) {
  "data": {
    "startPersonalDataRetrievalTask": {
      "taskId": "example-task-id"

Create a data deletion request

To create a data deletion request, you use the startPersonalDataDeletionTask mutation. In the request, you must provide the customer's email address.

You can optionally provide a clientToken to serve as an idempotency key that ensures that multiple identical requests are only processed once with an eight-hour period. This is particularly useful in scenarios where network issues might cause you to need to retry a request. If you don’t provide a clientToken, a default clientToken is generated for each request.

The response to the data deletion request contains a taskId, which you can provide to the personalDataDeletionlTask query if the customer later asks for an update on their data deletion request before you receive a data deletion event.

When you create a data deletion request, you can specify a holding period to initiate data deletion after a certain number of days. The holding period can range from 0 to 180 days. If you don't provide a holding period, the default value is 10 days. During the holding period, you can cancel the data deletion request by calling the cancelPersonalDataDeletionTask mutation.

The data deletion request fails if the customer has any open Buy with Prime orders. If you subscribed to data deletion events, you receive a PERSONAL_DATA_DELETION_TASK_FAILED event. In this case, you must resubmit the startPersonalDataDeletionTask request after all orders for that customer are closed.

The following example shows a data deletion request with a holding period five days before the data should be deleted.

// GraphQL mutation
mutation {
    startPersonalDataDeletionTask(input: {
        dataSubject: {
            type: SHOPPER
            email: "[email protected]"
        holdingPeriod: 5
        clientToken: "example-client-token"
    }) {
  "data": {
    "startPersonalDataDeletionTask": {
      "taskId": "example-task-id"

Cancel a data deletion request

To cancel a data deletion request during the holding period that you specified when you created a data deletion request, you use the cancelPersonalDataDeletionTask mutation. If the holding period has expired and the data deletion is in progress, this request fails.

The following example shows how to cancel a data deletion request.

// GraphQL mutation
mutation {
    cancelPersonalDataDeletionTask(input: {
        taskId: "example-task-id"
    }) {
  "data": {
    "cancelPersonalDataDeletionTask": {
      "taskId": "example-task-id"
Error Response (Request is In Progress)
  "errors": [
      "message": "The personalDataDeletionTask cannot be cancelled with a status of IN_PROGRESS.",
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 3
      "path": [
      "extensions": {
        "classification": {
          "type": "ValidationError",
          "code": "CannotCancelPersonalDataDeletionTask",
          "details": {
            "message": "The personalDataDeletionTask cannot be cancelled with a status of IN_PROGRESS."
  "data": {
    "cancelPersonalDataDeletionTask": null

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