
Version 2024-01-01



The Buy with Prime API is offered as a preview and might change as we receive feedback and iterate on the interfaces. We are sharing this early documentation to help you learn about the Buy with Prime API as we write and iterate on the content.


Details about a payment made for an order or specific line item.


aliases ([Alias])

Aliases referencing a related entity such as a charge in an external payment system.

amount (Money required)

The payment amount.

createdAt (String)

The Date Time in ISO 8601 format when the payment was created.

id (ID)

A unique identifier to represent the payment. It is not acceptable for multiple payments to have the same ID within a single list of payments.

payer (Payer)

The person or entity making the payment.

paymentMethod (PaymentMethod required)

The payment method associated with the payment.

state (String)

The current state of the payment.

The value is constrained to one of the following

NOT_STARTEDThe payment has not started processing.
CREATEDThe payment is created.
FAILEDThe payment processing failed.
AUTHORIZEDThe payment has been authorized.
CAPTUREDThe payment has been captured.
CLIENT_ACTION_REQUIREDClient needs to complete the actions before the charge can be confirmed (authorize/capture)
READY_FOR_CONFIRMATIONThe charge is ready for confirmation (authorize/capture).
IN_PROGRESSThe payment is in progress.
SUCCESSThe payment has succeeded.
CANCELLEDThe payment transfer is cancelled.
updatedAt (String)

The Date Time in ISO 8601 format when the payment was last updated.