Configure the Salesforce OMS and Provision a B2C Commerce Connection


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If you're integrating your Salesforce B2C Commerce instance with the Buy with Prime Cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, you need to configure the Salesforce order management system (OMS) and then provision a B2C Commerce connection, which are prerequisites for installing the Salesforce OMS package for Buy with Prime.

Configure the Salesforce OMS

For details about implementing and configuring the Salesforce OMS, in the Salesforce documentation see Salesforce Order Management Implementation Guides.

Provision a B2C Commerce connection

To integrate your Salesforce B2C Commerce storefront with your Salesforce OMS organization, you need to provision a B2C Commerce connection. The connection synchronizes order information between Salesforce Commerce Cloud and the Salesforce OMS. For details, in the Salesforce documentation see Provision a B2C Commerce Connection.

Next steps

After configuring the Salesforce OMS and provisioning a B2C Commerce connection and before installing the Salesforce OMS package for Buy with Prime, do the following:

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Buy with Prime Cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud