Troubleshoot Order Errors
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This topic describes errors that you can encounter when you Create and Manage Orders.
Errors creating orders
The following errors can occur when you call the createOrder
Error Type | Error Code | Description | Suggested Action |
AccessDeniedError | N/A | You don't have sufficient access to perform this action. | Ensure that your access token has permission to access this information, and retry the call. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API. |
ConflictError | N/A | The request to create an order conflicts with a previously successful order creation that was not communicated to the client. This typically occurs when retrying a create request. | Use the order query to get the order details, as the order was created successfully despite the communication failure. For an example, see Get an order with the specified alias. |
InternalServerError | N/A | Unexpected error during request processing. | None. This is a server-side error. |
ThrottlingError | N/A | User made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API. | Send the request again using exponential backoff. |
ValidationError | AddressMismatch | The specified address doesn't match the address that was saved for the customer. | Input the same address that the delivery preview used. |
ValidationError | AliasValueAlreadyExists | There's already an order with the specified alias. | If you want to create a new order, provide a different order alias. If you are retrying a failed order creation request, this error indicates that the order was created successfully, but failed to communicate the success to you. In this case, use the order query to get the order details. For an example, see Get an order with the specified alias. |
ValidationError | InvalidItemIdentifier | Item identifiers provided in the input fail catalog service validation. | Provide a valid item identifier. |
ValidationError | InvalidRecipientAddressInput | Recipient's address input is invalid. | Provide a valid shipping address. |
ValidationError | InvalidRecipientContactInput | Recipient's contact input is invalid. | Provide a valid recipient contact. |
ValidationError | InvalidShopperContactInput | Shopper's contact input is invalid. | Provide a valid shopper contact. |
ValidationError | ExpiredIdpToken | The idPToken in the IdentityTokenInput in the request is expired. | Provide a current idPToken . |
ValidationError | InvalidIdpToken | The idPToken in the IdentityTokenInput in the request is invalid. | Provide a valid idPToken . |
ValidationError | ItemOutOfStock | An item has zero inventory. | Remove the out-of-stock item from the request. |
ValidationError | ItemUnavailableWithPrime | The item isn't enabled for Buy with Prime, or for some other reason isn't fulfillable. | Remove the unavailable item from the request. |
ValidationError | MissingItemAttributes | Item information is missing or invalid. | At a minimum, provide a title, price, and item identifier for Buy with Prime items. |
ValidationError | OrderLinkLimitExceeded | Too many order links in the request. | Decrease the number of order links in the request. There can be at most five order links associated with an order. |
ValidationError | OrderQuantityLimitExceeded | Cart limit reached. Carts can have at most 20 items that are eligible for Buy with Prime and 20 items that aren't eligible for Buy with Prime. | Decrease the number of items or quantity. |
ValidationError | ReduceQuantityToProceed | The requested amount for an item is unavailable in inventory. | Decrease the quantity requested for the item. |
ValidationError | SelectedQuantityNotAvailable | The requested amount for an item is unavailable in inventory. | Decrease the quantity requested for the item. |
ValidationError | ShopperIdMismatch | Unrecognized address. | Input the same address that the delivery preview used. |
ValidationError | ShopperNotPrime | The customer isn't a Prime member. | Provide a token for a shopper that has a Prime membership. |
Errors updating orders
The following errors can occur when you call the updateOrder
Error Type | Error Code | Description | Suggested Action |
AccessDeniedError | N/A | You don't have sufficient access to perform this action. | Ensure that you're using the correct order ID, and retry the call. |
ConflictException | N/A | The request to update an order conflicts with a concurrent update being processed for the same order. | Retry the update with appropriate backoff. If conflicts persist, use the order query to load the latest order state. Evaluate if your update needs to be modified based on the current state of the order before retrying. |
InternalServerError | N/A | Unexpected error during request processing. | None. This is a server-side error. |
ThrottlingError | N/A | User made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API. | Send the request again using exponential backoff. |
ValidationError | AliasValueAlreadyExists | There's already an order with the specified alias. | If you want to update an existing order, provide a different order alias. |
ValidationError | DuplicateRefundId | You provided the same refund ID multiple times in the RefundInput . | Don't update a given refund more than once in a single API call. |
ValidationError | ExecutionAlreadyStarted | The order can't be started because it already completed. | The executionState is STARTED , the packageInformation indicates that the delivery of the order is IN_TRANSIT , and you called the updateOrder mutation to set the state to STARTED . Investigate the order execution flow in your system and avoid updating the executionState in such cases. |
ValidationError | ExecutionCannotBeStartedDueToCancellation | The order can't be started because the order is cancelled or in the process of cancellation. | The executionState is STARTED , the packageInformation indicates that the delivery of the order is CANCELLED , and you called the updateOrder mutation to set the state to STARTED . Investigate the order execution flow in your system and avoid updating the executionState in such cases. |
ValidationError | InvalidRefundId | The provided Buy with Prime refund ID doesn't match any refund IDs for the specified order. | Provide a valid Buy with Prime refund ID. To find the refund IDs associated with an order, call the order query. For details, see Query a Buy with Prime Order. |
ValidationError | MissingRefundId | No Buy with Prime refund ID is present in the RefundInput . | Provide a valid Buy with Prime refund ID. |
ValidationError | OrderLinkLimitExceeded | Too many order links in the request. | Decrease the number of order links in the request. There can be at most five order links associated with an order. |
Errors getting orders
The following errors can occur when you call the order
Error Type | Error Code | Description | Suggested Action |
AccessDeniedError | N/A | You don't have sufficient access to perform this action. | Ensure that you're using the correct order ID, and retry the call. |
InternalServerError | N/A | Unexpected error during request processing. | None. This is a server-side error. |
ThrottlingError | N/A | User made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API. | Send the request again using exponential backoff. |
Errors cancelling orders
The following errors can occur when you call the cancelOrder
Error Type | Error Code | Description | Suggested Action |
AccessDeniedError | N/A | You don't have sufficient access to perform this action. | Ensure that you're using the correct order ID, and retry the call. |
InternalServerError | N/A | Unexpected error during request processing. | None. This is a server-side error. |
ThrottlingError | N/A | User made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API. | Send the request again using exponential backoff. |
ValidationError | CancellationIneligible | The order can't be cancelled because PackageInformationDetails.state isn't in PENDING state. | You can return the item after the item is delivered. |
ValidationError | CancellationInProgress | A cancellation request is already in progress. | Wait for the existing cancellation request to complete. |
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Updated 4 days ago