
Buy with Prime API is now available for early access

Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.

The PERSONAL_DATA_RETRIEVAL_TASK_FAILED event is published when a data retrieval request fails. A data retrieval request is a request that you make to Buy with Prime to retrieve the customer's data on behalf of the customer. You create data retrieval requests by using the startPersonalDataRetrievalTask mutation.

For details on the schema and fields of an event, see Subscribe to Events.

Required permission

To subscribe to this event, your API credentials must have at least Manage Shopper Privacy Requests permission. You choose permissions when you generate your API credentials. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API.

Handling the event

When you receive a PERSONAL_DATA_RETRIEVAL_TASK_FAILED event, parse the resources array of the event for the task ID of the data retrieval request. You can then use the personalDataRetrievalTask query and examine the errors array of the response for details.

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