Buy with Prime API Constraints



The Buy with Prime API is offered as a preview and might change as we receive feedback and iterate on the interfaces. We are sharing this early documentation to help you learn about the Buy with Prime API as we write and iterate on the content.

The Buy with Prime API doesn’t support the following features:

  • The Buy with Prime API doesn't support Multi-channel Fulfillment (MCF) features like Blank Box when creating orders. Blank Box means that the packing slip, shipping labels, and packaging materials don’t contain any Amazon branding. You can configure these features on an account level in Seller Central for all orders. For details, see the Seller Central Guide.
  • Because the free returns policy on eligible items is only applicable to Prime members, return offers are not supported for products that don't offer Prime. You can use the Buy with Prime merchant console to create returns for orders that contain both products that do and don't offer Buy with Prime. For details, see Merchant Online Return Center.
  • Delivery Preview isn't available for products that don't offer Buy with Prime. You can't Display Buy with Prime Elements on Your Site to get delivery offers for products that don't offer Buy with Prime.