
Version 2024-04-01



The Buy with Prime API is offered as a preview and might change as we receive feedback and iterate on the interfaces. We are sharing this early documentation to help you learn about the Buy with Prime API as we write and iterate on the content.


Details about a Cancellation


additionalComments (String)

Any additional comments that merchants want to associate with the cancellation details.

aliases ([Alias])

A list of aliases associated with Buy With Prime Cancellation. This can include unique identifiers for cancellation requests in merchant's store.

canceledFor (CanceledFor)

Captures the cancellation details for entire order.

createdAt (String)

The Date Time in ISO 8601 format when cancellation was requested.

reason (String)

Reason for issuing the Cancellation.

Constrained to one of the following values

ORDERED_BY_MISTAKECustomer made mistakes while placing the order.
ITEMS_ARRIVING_LATECustomer canceled because some items would not arrive on time.
INCORRECT_SHIPPING_ADDRESSCustomer used incorrect shipping address while placing the order.
OUT_OF_STOCKItem went out of stock after the order was placed and can't be delivered.
PAYMENT_ISSUEIssue charging a shopper for the purchase.
refundDetails ([RefundDetails])

Refunds that were issued as part of a cancellation request. BwP tries to issue refunds to shoppers in cases where shoppers were charged before a cancellation was requested. If shoppers were not charged, BwP does not try to issue refunds.

requestedBy (String)

Details about the Cancellation requestor.

Constrained to one of the following

SHOPPERShopper initiated cancellation
MERCHANTMerchant initiated cancellation
BWP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_AGENTBwP Customer Service Agent initiated cancellation
state (String)

Represents the state of Cancellation.

The value is constrained to one of the following

PENDINGCancellation is requested and BwP is trying to cancel.
SUCCESSCancellation is successful and items will not be
delivered to shoppers. Any charges that have been levied on shoppers will be refunded.
REJECTEDBwP was unable to cancel ordered items. Shoppers will
receive the ordered items and will be charged appropriately. They can initiate
returns after receiving the items
PARTIAL_SUCCESSRepresents that BwP was able to cancel some items and
unable to cancel some items. This is a terminal state meaning that items that
were not canceled were fulfilled
updatedAt (String)

The Date Time in ISO 8601 format when cancellation request was last updated.