Display Prime Benefit Cards for Other Scenarios
Buy with Prime API is now available for early access
Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.
This topic provides examples of how to render Prime benefit cards by using the Buy with Prime UI library.
To learn how to use the UI library to incorporate Buy with Prime into your checkout flow, see Steps to Use the UI Library.
For the Buy with Prime UI Library Reference, see Buy with Prime UI Library Reference.
Signed-in shopper isn't a Prime member
If the shopper isn't a Prime member, the Prime benefit card isn't rendered.
Example Code
<prime-benefit-card id="authenticated-non-prime-badge"></prime-benefit-card>
const authenticatedNonPrimeShopper = document.getElementById('authenticated-non-prime-badge');
authenticatedNonPrimeShopper.isShopperPrime = false;
Shopper isn't signed in, item is offered through Buy with Prime
This example code renders the following image.
Example Code
<prime-benefit-card isItemBuyable></prime-benefit-card>
Item isn't offered through Buy with Prime
If the item isn't eligible for Buy with Prime, the Prime benefit card isn't rendered.
Example Code
<prime-benefit-card id="non-buyable-badge"></prime-benefit-card>
const nonBuyableItem = document.getElementById('non-buyable-badge');
nonBuyableItem.isItemBuyable = false;
Item is eligible for Buy with Prime, card doesn't show returnability
This example code renders the following experience.
Example Code
<prime-benefit-card isShopperPrime isItemBuyable></prime-benefit-card>
Loading icon
This example code renders the following experience.
Example Code
<prime-benefit-card loading></prime-benefit-card>
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Updated 4 days ago